- With a Halliday Virtual Cellar, you can:
- - Save wines from the Halliday Wine Companion website.
- - Create entries for wines not currently on the website.
- - Add personal ratings and tasting notes.
- - Create a wishlist for wines you don’t currently have but wish to purchase.
- - Export your complete collection to Excel so that you can view it offline.
To begin documenting your collection, login and click on ‘Virtual Cellar’, and follow the below how-to guide.
The ‘Overview’ section of the Halliday Virtual Cellar is a dashboard view of your collection and activity.
Here, you can see your recent activity (wines added, removed and enjoyed), a list of your cellars (locations), an overview of each cellar’s contents, and a section showing stats such as the total number of wines in your cellars, the breakdown of reds and whites, and your favourite varieties, regions and vintages.
From here you can ‘add wine’, ‘add and edit cellar’, and navigate to different cellar locations.
My Wines
The 'My Wines' section of your Halliday Virtual Cellar shows you your entire wine collection.
You can view your complete list on the right and use the filter options to the left to condense your list view by choosing various options. Click here to find out more on using the filters. You can also sort the list to re-order your wines such as by date tasted, vintage and drink by date.
If you entered a bottle or bottles previously and have since removed or drank all of the items, 'you can filter the list to not show wines that you have 0 bottles under the 'Display' option at the bottom of the filters list.
From here you can: 'Add Wine', sort the list view and use the 'Filters' to condense your cellar view.
My Wishlist
The 'My Wishlist' section of the Halliday Virtual Cellar shows you the list of wines that you have chosen to add to your wine wishlist while browsing the tasting notes library on the Halliday Wine Companion website.
These may be wines that you do not currently have but would like to add them to your cellar, purchase or drink in future.
'My Wishlist' allows you to add a wine currently on your wishlist to your virtual cellar.
From here you can: 'Add Wine' (from a general search or manually), 'Add Wine' (directly add from your wishlist) and 'Remove from Wishlist'.
Export Cellar
The Export Cellar section allows you to download your collection to Microsoft Excel. You can select information you wish to download by ticking the boxes relating to the information you wish to export and then clicking on 'Export to excel'.
From here you can: 'Add Wine' and 'Export To Excel'.
How To Guide
Now that you know how to navigate the Halliday Virtual Cellar, it's time to start building your collection. Below you will find a guide to everything you can do in your Virtual Cellar, from adding and removing wines, to editing and creating cellars.
Go to: Add a wine from the website | Add a wine when in the Virtual Cellar | Add a wine not rated by Halliday Wine Companion | Edit an added wine | Remove a wine | Drink a wine | Move a wine | Adding and editing a cellar | Adding to and removing from My Wishlist | Export Cellar | Filters
Add a wine from the website
There are multiple ways in which you can add a wine to your Halliday Virtual Cellar, one of which is adding a wine when browsing the Halliday Wine Companion website.
1. Click on a wine to reveal the tasting note and extra information.
2. To the right you will see a wine rack image containing bottles with the word 'Cellar' written beneath. Clicking on this symbol will open up a page where you can enter information on the wine prior to adding to your cellar.
3. Here you can enter the following information: Date you added the wine to your cellar, which cellar location you would like to add the wine to, price you paid per bottle, the number of bottles you added to your cellar and comments you would like to attach to this entry, eg. Birthday Present from work.
You can also quickly add a bottle to your cellar from the browse list view (see 'Add A Wine When In The Virtual Cellar').
Add a wine when in the Virtual Cellar
You can browse and add a wine to your collection whilst in the Halliday Virtual Cellar.
1. Click on the gold and white + icon.
2. To the right you will see a list of wines sorted by 'Date tasted newest' and to the left you will see a group of filter options.
3. If you know the producer of the wine you wish to add, enter this in the 'Enter a winery name' field at the top of the filters otherwise, you can use the filters to narrow your search for a wine you wish to add.
4. Once you find the wine you wish to add, click on it to reveal the tasting note and to the right you will see a wine rack image containing bottles with the word 'Cellar' written beneath. Clicking on this symbol will open up a page where you can enter information on the wine prior to adding to your cellar.
5. Here you can enter the following information: Date you added the wine to your cellar, which cellar location you would like to add the wine to, price you paid per bottle, the number of bottles you added to your cellar and comments you would like to attach to this entry, eg. Birthday Present from work.
Add a wine not rated by Halliday Wine Companion
It is not only Halliday Wine Companion rated wines that you can add to your Halliday Virtual Cellar, you can also add non-rated Australian wines and international wines too.
1. Click on the gold and white + icon.
2. Click on 'Click here to create a wine from scratch'.
3. Here you can manually enter details about the wine you wish to add and when complete, click on 'create wine'. Please note that you can edit these details after they have been added to your cellar by clicking 'edit wine' when viewing the wine details.
4. Here you can enter the following information: Date you added the wine to your cellar, which cellar location you would like to add the wine to, price you paid per bottle, the number of bottles you added to your cellar and comments you would like to attach to this entry, eg. Birthday Present from work.
Tip: When entering data, double check this is correct as future enhancements of the Virtual Cellar tool may include mapping functionality when wines are tasted, so the more accurate information entered will assist in keeping your Virtual Cellar completely up to date in future.
Edit an added wine
It is highly recommended that you enter all details correctly when adding a wine to your cellar as only certain information can be edited after adding. The details that can be edited are the quantity of bottles in each cellar, the purchase price and date.
1. Click on the wine in your Halliday Virtual Cellar that you wish to edit.
2. Click on the pencil icon next to 'Cellar' and/or 'Purchase Price' and perform the required edits and then save by clicking 'edit'.
Remove a wine
You can remove a wine from a cellar location within your Halliday Virtual Cellar.
1. Click on the wine in your Halliday Virtual Cellar that you wish to remove.
2. Click on the remove icon (circle with an x).
3. Enter the required details and click 'Remove'.
You can add more bottles of this wine by clicking the 'Add More' icon (circle with +).
Please note: When you remove a bottle or bottles from your cellar and your contents for this wine is now at 0, the wine will still appear on your cellar list as it is a recorded activity. You can remove wines with zero contents from your view by ticking the box under 'Display' at the bottom of the filters.
Drink a wine
When you drink a wine from your Halliday Virtual Cellar, you can record this activity.
1. Click on the wine you wish in your Halliday Virtual Cellar that you have drank.
2. Click on the 'Drink it' icon (wine glass) and entering the required information including your score and your tasting note.
Once you drink a bottle, the score and tasting note for this wine is recorded as an activity and can be viewed at the bottom of the selected wine page within the Halliday Virtual Cellar.
Move a wine
You can move a wine from one cellar location to another within your Halliday Virtual Cellar as long as you have multiple cellar locations.
1. Click on the wine in the Halliday Virtual Cellar that you wish to move.
2. Click on the 'Move it' icon (boxes with arrows pointing in different directions) and fill in the required details and click 'Move to cellar'.
The wine will now appear in the new cellar location you have chosen and will be recorded in the activity of this wine. Please note: You may need to refresh your browser for this action to appear complete.
Add and editing a cellar
You can add multiple cellar locations to your Halliday Virtual Cellar depending on your needs. Eg. Home cellar, Off-site cellar.
1. When viewing the 'Overview' section of your Halliday Virtual Cellar, click on 'Add cellar', located to the right of 'My Cellars'.
2. Enter the name of your cellar and click 'Add new cellar'.
3. You can edit the cellar location name by clicking on the 'Edit' icon (gear) of the cellar you wish to edit under 'My Cellars' in the 'Overview' section.
You can create multiple cellars but please be aware that you cannot delete a cellar location even if it has zero bottles. (Delete cellar location - coming soon)
Add to, remove from and add a wine in 'My Wishlist'
If you come across a wine that you are interested in but do not yet have in your collection, you can add this to 'My Wishlist' so that you can quickly find it when you decide to add it to your collection.
1. Find a wine on the Halliday Wine Companion website that you would like to add to your collection at a later date.
2. Click to view the tasting note and then click the 'Wishlist' icon (heart) and the wine will be added to your 'My Wishlist' in your Halliday Virtual Cellar.
You can view the wines added to 'My Wishlist' by visiting this section in your Halliday Virtual Cellar.
You can add a wine from 'My Wishlist' by viewing the wines in the 'My Wishlist' section and click the 'Add Wine' icon (circle with +) and filling in the required details.
You can remove a wine from 'My Wishlist' by clicking the 'Remove from wishlist' icon (heart) when viewing the 'My Wishlist' contents.
Export cellar
You can download a list of your complete Halliday Virtual Cellar via a .csv file and view this on Microsoft Excel.
1. View the 'Export Cellar' section of your Halliday Virtual Cellar.
2. Choose the information you wish to export by clicking one, multiple and all of the boxes and click 'Export to excel'.
A download of your Halliday Virtual Cellar will then appear in Microsoft Excel (if you have this software).
When viewing the 'My Wines' section of your Halliday Virtual Cellar, you can filter your collection by using the options to the left.
The filter options available are:
My Cellars - you can choose one or multiple cellars by clicking on or entering the cellar location name.
Wine Name - you can enter the name of the wine you wish to view.
Winery Name - you can enter the name of winery whos wines you wish to view.
Halliday Rating - you can use the scroll bar to select wines within a certain rating range.
Price - you can use the scroll bar to select wines within a certain price range.
Vintage - you can use the scroll bar to select wines within a certain vintage range.
Wine Types - you can view wines based on their type by clicking on the type.
Grape Varieties - you can view wines based on their variety by clicking on or entering the wine variety.
Regions - you can view wines based on the wine region they are from by clicking on or entering the region name.
Display - you can hide wines with 0 bottles by ticking this box.
Sort By - you can sort your list view by selecting the drop down menu labelled 'Sort By'. This menu allows you to sort your list in various ways including by 'Date Newest Tasted', 'Rated Highest', 'Vintage Newest', 'Drink By' and more.
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